The Breath/Health Connection
Every system in the body relies on oxygen. From cognition to digestion. effective breathing can not only provide you with a greater sense of mental clarity. it can also help you sleep better. digest food more efficiently. improve your body's immune response. and reduce stress levels.
Inspiratory Vital Capacity Measurement
With a few simple steps. OPUMP measures your current lung function. This data is then combined with your age. gender. height. and weight to produce the optimal training session. using your measurements as a baseline.
Breathing Training Courses
In this session. the App provide various training courses that are developed and tested by breathing experts. As OPUMP tracks your breathing. your smartphone gives you live feedback and guidance to ensure all exercises are performed correctly.
Breathing Games
OPUMP makes breath training a fun and easy part of your daily routine. See your breath activity increase as it happens and create lovely songs with your breath.

Through the recording feature provided by the OPUMP app. your daily breathing exercises are automatically logged. The system compiles them into easy-to-read charts. coupled with app prompts and explanations. making it easier for you to achieve your goals.

Bring Relaxation and Vitality
Relieve Stress / Sleep Better / Boost Immunity & Metabolism / Bring Balance and Positive Energy
Take Your Sport Results to the next level
Increase VO2 MAX / Boost Cardiorespiratory Endurance / Delay Time to Fatigue / Improve Sport Performance